Tag Archive: Texit

From Steal to Secession AM – Ep. 5: Did the Elites just ADMIT they are Stealing the 2022 elections?

Did the Elites just drop a bombshell where they basically admitted they are going to steal the 2022 elections? A recent article from the Associated Press seems to do just that! Which races do the elites appear to be targeting more than others? Is there evidence from certain races which seems to be showing the truth of this admission? Did the overturning of Roe v. Wade and certain gun control laws by the U.S. Supreme Court just accelerate America’s journey towards secession? Will we see a TEXIT vote in 2023?!

From Steal to Secession AM – Ep. 2: Shenanigans in 2022 Texas Primaries?

The shenanigans of the 2020 race pulled by Democrats are well-known. However did the Establishment Republicans pull a similar stunt in Texas in the 2022 primaries?

Rural Sense Show Ep. 7: America’s Path to Secession Accelerating?

The Rural Sense Show Title Card by Professor Wall

Professor Wall welcomes musician and local activist Jason Greene to the show for a discussion on post-2020 America, which seems to be headed for a breakup at an even greater speed than before.