It is a poverty to decide
that a child must die so
that you may live as you wish.
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The fruits of Socialist healthcare. That is the only way to adequately describe the horrific, euthanistic murders of the infants Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans in Great Britain over the past year. By placing bureaucrats in a position of authority to usurp the decisions of the parents, Britain’s Socialistic National Health Service condemned these two innocent little babies to an early death rather than giving them a chance to seek treatment at other places; places which were willing to carry out an act of charity to help these two little ones, whose only crime was that they were afflicted with diseases.
This is the natural result of placing healthcare and the practice of medicine under government’s bureaucratic control. The socialist solution which is so touted by prominent socialists such as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, eventually ends up with shortages and compromises on health care which can result in disastrous consequences for human beings for whom longer and more pleasant lives may rest on getting the service they need at the soonest possible time. Most devastating however, is that, due to the shortages and overflow of needs, it is left to the bureaucrats to determine who lives and dies and who may survive and who may not. It was precisely situations like this which led to the deaths of little, innocent Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans.
In the cases of both Charlie and Alfie, Britain’s NHS bureaucrats made the determination, over the protestations of the parents, that their lives were not worth saving and that they should be allowed to die. In Charlie Gard’s case, the argument was made that the NHS could no longer financially afford the care it was giving him, for he had so little chance to recover. Closer examination shows a very different reality. Charlie Gard’s parents raised over 1.6 million dollars to bring their son to the United States for an experimental treatment they were willing to try for their son. It was a long-shot experimental treatment, but it was within the rights of the parents to try it. Plus, having raised their own funds, the cost would, in fact, have been removed from the NHS rolls and would have cost the British taxpayers nothing. Yet, to the horror of all involved, the NHS and the British court system denied the parents their right to try this for their son and condemned Charlie Gard to death.
Fast-forward a year to the case of Alfie Evans, and the parallels are eerily similar. Alfie Evans was suffering from a disease from which he also had little chance of recovering, but otherwise he was just as alive as any other human being, he just needed a few extra things to sustain that life. Again the NHS determined that it would be better to let Alfie Evans die and they went about preparing to remove him from life support. Again, the parents fought back for the life of their child and received a charitable offer from Pope Francis and an Italian hospital to take over care for Alfie. Again, to the horror of the world, and in spite of every legal avenue tried by those fighting for Alfie’s life, the NHS and the British court system denied the requests to allow Alfie to be moved to Italy and condemned Alfie Evans to death.
Why did the British NHS system willingly violate the Hippocratic Oath to which all medical care professionals are held and condemn these innocent little ones to death? Why did the British court system back these heinous decisions? The explanation given by the NHS and the British court system was that there was no way Charlie or Alfie would recover or survive and thus death was more preferable for both of them. That perspective was appalling on it’s own for showing so little regard for the dignity of the human person, disabled or not and is a symptom of the larger problem of the ‘Throwaway Culture’ with which Western society is so afflicted today. Yet, while that was the official explanation given, the underlying reason for allowing these children to die, which neither the NHS nor the British court system will admit publicly, was far more sinister.
Socialist healthcare is about power, control and guaranteed wealth. The power and control to determine who lives and dies and to ensure that those who are part of the system get paid big, fat, guaranteed wages from taxpayers no matter what kind of care is given. For those who are part of the system would much rather have guarantees in their financial well-being rather than the uncertainty of private practice where you must provide the best you possibly can or go out of business. This is what drives many working in the healthcare and medical fields (though admittedly not all) to the promise of a socialist healthcare system: wages guaranteed no matter what care is given and the ultimate power to dispose of those whom they see fit.
As the Communists discovered in the Cold War, when your system really does not work, people will attempt to flee from it. This was the main factor behind the building of the Berlin Wall, to keep people from fleeing Communist East Germany to Free West Germany. Without people, you cannot keep your system in place because either it will collapse from a lack of individuals to pay taxes and obey the mandates or it will collapse or be abolished because more people will seek to flee the system and so lead the people to see through the system’s lies. Herein lies the most sickening, underlying motive for the murders of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans. In order to preserve the socialistic healthcare system, the parents of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans needed to be denied their basic fundamental rights as parents to determine what was best for their child. These sweet, innocent, little souls had to die so that the socialist healthcare system could continue to live.
“All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” said Lord Acton, the British historian, in 1887. In the case of the Socialist healthcare system of the NHS, this truth has reached its apex, for condemning small innocent children to die is one of the worst evils any healthcare system could carry out. It is an evil with frightening precedent in the Communist and Nazi regimes of the 20th Century as well as the decision of a Sanhedrin during the days of the Roman Empire when they determined that, in order to save their nation, the most righteous man in the history of the world would have to die.
© 2018 Grant Dahl & On This Terrestrial Ball. All rights reserved. This material may not be re-published, re-broadcast, re-written or re-distributed without permission from the author of this piece.