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One of the ways to spread what we believe is through the mediums of audio and video. Here at On This Terrestrial Ball, we give our authors the opportunity to do the same. Here we host podcasts and vlogs from our authors where they discuss important issues of the day as well as History, books, movies, sports and basically anything which interests us.

Professor Wall puts forward a semi-regular podcast – The Rural Sense Show – where he hosts discussions and interviews with some great guests, everyone from common people with hidden wisdom to experts in different fields.

We have a current events podcast – From Steal to Secession AM – where Professor Wall and Jason Greene discuss current events and how the trend of these events will lead inevitably from a world where the elites steal freedom and opportunity from the common man to a world where secession restores freedom and opportunity to the common man. 

We also invite you to watch the vlogs and podcasts by our other authors when they begin to publish as well. You will be blown away by our depth of knowledge and the wealth of it we seek to share with you. Welcome Aboard!

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© 2017 – 2100 Grant Dahl & On This Terrestrial Ball. All rights reserved. This material may not be re-published, re-broadcast, re-written or re-distributed without permission from the show host.