From Steal to Secession AM – Ep. 25: Debate Your Vote – Trump vs Rectenwald

Prof. Wall & Christopher Goins engage in a lively discussion over who Christians & small government advocates should support in the 2024 presidential election.

From Steal To Secession AM

Episode XXV – Debate Your Vote: Trump vs Rectenwald

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Professor Wall and independent journalist Christopher Goins engage in a lively debate/discussion on “From Steal to Secession AM” over who Christians and believers in small government should support in the 2024 presidential election. With only two candidates really discussing issues of importance on those fronts, namely Republican Donald Trump and Libertarian Michael Rectenwald, who does it make more sense to support in this election? Is the Presidential Election as important in today’s world as the most local elections are?

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Guest’s Website:

The Goins Report

Books Mentioned or Referenced

Dr. Michael Rectenwald: The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Dr. Greg Popcak: The Life God Wants You to Live

Michael Huemer: The Problem of Political Authority

Philip Zimbardo: The Lucifer Effect

Donald Devine: Political Management of the Bureaucracy – A Guide to Reform and Control

David Bahnsen: The Crisis of Responsibility

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